
A service object includes the methods from an adapter, a cache mixin. An initializer injects a specific type of serializer into the adapter. The service is an extension of an adapter and uses a mixin for a caching strategy.

The adapter methods provide an interface for the service object to interact with the backend, an API Server. The default method used to make requests is window.Fetch. The is an option to use XHR (ajax) instead.

Define an adapter my extending the application adapter prototype.

Below is an example PostAdapter which extends the ApplicationAdapter:

import ApplicationAdapter from 'ember-jsonapi-resources/adapters/application';
import config from '../config/environment';

export default ApplicationAdapter.extend({
  type: 'post',
  url: config.APP.API_PATH + '/posts'

Import the application config, from ../config/environment.js, to use a custom URL.

By default, url is a computed property that uses config.APP.API_HOST and config.APP.API_PATH as the default url for the endpoint. A resource's receives and endpoint URLs, including relationships, from the JSON payload (server response).

Use the Authorization Mixin to keep track of Authorization Header values. The adapter method fetchAuthorizationHeader has two properties: authorizationCredential and authorizationHeaderField. The mixin adds the security token to the authorization header when the service makes a request.

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