
The jsonapi-resource generator creates prototypes (classes/mixins/modules etc.) for the resource. The output includes new files for an initializer, service, adapter, and serializer.

Use ember generate resource name (name is the entity).


Generate a resource (model with associated adapter, serializer, service and initializer):

ember generate jsonapi-resource entityName

Use the singular form of the name for your resource entityName.

The blueprint for a jsonapi-resource does not generate a route. You can generate a route using the same name or use a different name:

ember generate route entityName

Include arguments for the generator to use with the jsonapi-model blueprint. The resulting resource (model) uses the attr, has-one, and has-many computed properties per the arguments you use.

ember generate jsonapi-resource article title:string version:number author:has-one:user

When using the pod file structure in your ember-cli project use the --pod argument:

ember generate jsonapi-resource user name:string articles:has-many:articles --pod


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