
Each resource has an associated service that used by the store or injected as needed. A resource service fetches or persists data using HTTP verbs: CREATE, PATCH, GET, and DELETE. The service named is the same name as the nouns used by your JSON API server. For example, request a post entity using GET /api/v1/posts or GET /api/v1/posts/1.

The application registers the service instances as singleton objects with its container. Use a pluralized name for the entity which the service represents. An initializer for each resource provides a service for your resource. The service extends an adapter with an injected serializer. The service is the mediator between the client's and server's representation of data.

The ember generate resource <entity> command creates an initializer, resource, adapter, serializer, and service.

Resource Service

A resource service is a combination of an adapter, serializer and cache object. The service is also injected into the resource (model) objects.

Provide the caching plan for a service using a mixin, and customize as needed. To begin with, the resource (model) prototype and the service-cache mixin work together to provide a basic cache strategy for the resource.


Service objects are "evented" to provide close to real-time updates:

  • When an attr is set and the value has changed, then the resource instance triggers an attributeChanged event. The resource's service singleton object may listen for the event and handle it with a call to updateResource via the resource's adapter.
  • The resource adapter's updateResource method sends a PATCH request. The request body includes changed attributes. The serializer's serializeChanged method provides the data for the PATCH request.

You may want to buffer changes on the resource when passing it into a component by using ember-buffered-proxy. Alternatively, re-define the resource's adapter prototype. Change the initEvents method to return a no-op function instead of observing the attributeChanged event.

Service Example

The Service prototype below extends the Post adapter and mixes in the default cache mixin:

import Adapter from '../adapters/post';
import ServiceCache from 'ember-jsonapi-resources/mixins/service-cache';

Adapter.reopenClass({ isServiceFactory: true });

export default Adapter.extend(ServiceCache);

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